Complaint Guide
File a complaint:
- Via postal address: Correct Zálogház Zrt, 1085 Budapest, József krt. 40.
- Via email:
- Via phone call: +36-1-464-7400 on working days 8-16, on Mondays 8-20, +36-1-799-9828 on working days 9-17
- In person written or oral form at the pawnshop:
Correct Zálogház Zrt. I. branch: 1085 Budapest, József krt. 40., IV. branch: 1042 Budapest, Árpád út 84., V. branch: 1039 Budapest, Pünkösdfürdő u. 52-54. during opening hours.
The complaint can also be made by filling in a form published for this purpose by the pawnshop or the MNB (HNB- Hungarian National Bank).
Both of the forms are available at the website of the pawnshop under the Pawnshop label and our central shop at Budapest, József krt. 40.
The pawnshop is required to reply to the complaint within 30 days with a justification.
In case of disagreement, the Client can turn to the following body:
- Supervisory body of the Lender: Hungarian National Bank financial supervisory customer service: 1535. Budapest BKKP Pf. 777. Email address:
- In case of a lawsuit connected to the creation, validity period, legal effects, and termination of the contract, turn to: Financial Conciliation Board (postal address: H-1525 Budapest BKKP Pf.: 172.)
- court